Superdent Premium Education

Reasons to attend

Are you tired of dentistry books stuffed with all those concepts that seem not applicable in the daily clinical practice?

You want NOT just to see but to understand clinical steps?

Your interest is NOT on the immediate result but on long term?

Then, these are just some of the reasons to book your seat at the next Tomorrow Tooth Almanack. Join and develop reliable and predictable clinical protocols for the real day challenges.

Ideal event for both young dentists and experienced clinicians who want to know what is happening in Restorative & Prosthetic dentistry.

2 days congress, 1 day workshop on Vertical Preparation Technique

Get hands-on training in workshop

*limited to 25 seats

Join a hands-on workshop to grow your practical skills in Vertical Preparation Technique. You will get a complete overview of the technique from inception to completion with all the tips and tricks necessary to obtain the best result.

A technique that you can apply in 100% of your cases in your daily life. Try it !

What you will do?

  • prep an incisor and a premolar
  • reline the shells provisionals onto the abutments
  • take digital impression
  • using different 3D scanners and Medit Software and Exocad will trace the margins onto the abutments and analyze the undercuts
Tomorrow Tooth Romania
Tomorrow Tooth Romania